I have not done a IMO post in a while. I have been so busy lately, it has been hard to get 2 posts in 1 day. But I am back to do a IMO post. And I have chosen former, I hate saying that, WWE Diva Kaitlyn. I was a huge fan of Kaitlyn, I was so supportive of her. The TX connection was so strong. I remember I went to my first WWE Event. It was a Raw on December 16, 2013. I saw her live on Superstars facing Summer Rae. She lost unfortunately, but I was so humbled to see her perform live. Little did I know she left less than a month after that, and I was so glad to see her live before she left. I have decided to do IMO posts a little different. I am not going to give a career run down, unless I have to reference it. I am going to go over certain incidents in their career and give my opinions on it. So here we go...
Her on NXT Season 3: OMG I WAS IN LOVE. The minute I laid eyes on Kaitlyn, I was sold. Then I found out she was from Houston, TX, I was sold even more since we both live in TX. I knew that she would win the Season, although Naomi and AJ Lee were legit winners as well. And on the show Aj and Kaitlyn became on-screen best friends and real life best friends. She actually won and I was so happy. I knew that I would see more of her. And she actually started her main roster career like a week later.
The Chickbusters: At first AJ and Kaitlyn teamed up to be The Chickbusters. A side note, I wanted them to form a stable with The Dudebusters, but never happened. AJ and Kaitlyn got a series of matches together feuding with Alicia, Rosa, and Tamina. This was amazing for Kaitlyn and AJ because they were getting pushed as a tag team. After that they would go on to feud with Divas of Doom (Beth and Natalya). And they would suffer losses and it would anger Kaitlyn. Actually at a Smackdown taping, Kaitlyn turned heel and joined Divas of Doom. I wished that would've happened, bit it was cut from the show. So, technically AJ and Kaitlyn were still the best of friends. AJ was starting up her crazy character and it initially involved Kaitlyn. AJ was going through a depressed state after being dumped by Daniel Bryan. Kaitlyn had tried to be there for her, but AJ wasn't having it. Kailtyn on 2 occasions tried to help out AJ and be moral support, but AJ slapped Kaitlyn in both attempts. This story was so interesting and I couldn't wait to see more. They had a one off match in 2011 on Smackdown, that AJ would win. Kind of ending the feud as Kaitlyn went on to NXT Redemption
NXT Redemption Days: This was a mess. NXT Redemption was basically for those Superstars and Divas that weren't being used on the main shows. NXT Redemption was funny at times, but more of a joke nonetheless. Kaitlyn was on NXT Redemption and she had feuds with Natalya and Maxine. The matches she had on Redemption were actually not that bad. Her and Nattie had good chemistry in the ring, as well as her and Maxine. I wanted so much more for Kaitlyn. Her talent was being wasted on this "C" show.
Road to the Divas Championship: Kaitlyn I wanted her to be a divas champion so bad. I was patiently waiting for the inevitable. Kaitlyn made her return to main roster TV at Money in the Bank 2012 competing in a 6 divas tag match, in which her team won. She would start appearing a lot more on main roster TV. She actually got a storyline with Eve to see who would be Assistant to General Manager Booker T. I was so happy that she was getting a storyline, she deserved it after that mess of NXT Redemption. Eve got the position, but Kaitlyn got something bigger in return. That following Monday on Raw there was a #1 contenders battle royal and KAITLYN WON!!!!! I was jumping up and down for this moment, I was like did that just happen. As everyone knows, it was a blessing in disguise. Eve Torres was actually suppose to win the battle royal, but she fell off the apron after Kaitlyn clotheslined her over the ropes. The reaction of Layla, Kaitlyn, and Eve was all legit, because that wasn't supposed to happen. Kaitlyn would receive a title match at Night of Champions against Layla, but got a kayfabe injury. I was so freaking mad about this because my girl was fixing to win that belt. It would eventually turn out to be good. It was revealed a few months down the line that the person who attacked her was Eve Torres, who actually replaced her at Night of Champions to go on to win the divas title. She would then feud with Eve into Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series, TLC, and all the way to January 14th, when she got her revenge. Kaitlyn, after months of trying to get the belt, finally she won the title in her hometown of Houston, TX. I WAS SO HAPPY. That night I am not going to lie, it warmed my heart. She was a perfect example of a Cinderella type ending. She had tears running down her face and it just showed the passion. She was finally champion and I couldn't have been prouder.
Divas Championship Reign: Okay Kaitlyn didn't have many title defenses on TV. I know this. Her booking for title matches was nonexistent. She did a small storyline with Tamina and they had a title match at Elimination Chamber 2013, but it was nothing big. She walked out champion. Kaitlyn was booked great as far as having matches and winning. However, in my opinion, she will go down as one of the most underrated divas champions in history. Because she was so talented and had the potential to be a great powerhouse divas champion. However, all of the lackluster title match booking came to an end...
Divas Championship Feud with AJ Lee: AHHHHH!!!! This storyline was so freaking good. In my opinion it was the feud that revived the division in a sense. Their feud gave me Trish and Lita vibes all day, as it did with many fans. AJ had random run ins with Kaitlyn from 2012-2013, and they would always end in having a catfight. But this was the first time that they had a legit storyline with each other. Kaitlyn had a secret admirer that would send her gifts and text her. Kaitlyn was completely in love. Kaitlyn was set to meet her admirer on Raw after a month and a half of being flattered. She was in the ring, and out comes Big E. Ewwwww. I was like "are you serious". I was just as confused as Kaitlyn when he came out. I couldn't believe it. But boy did they fool me and Kaitlyn. Big E showed true affection, only to drop Kaitlyn on her back as he went in to kiss her. The fans were booing and then all the sudden..... "It up, It up, It up, It up, It up, Let's Light it Up". I was like "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS". Kaitlyn was so shocked. Okay okay, I am sorry I have to recite the promo:
AJ Lee: How you feeling right now Kaitlyn. Worthless. Alone. Broken. Well that is exactly how I felt when you abandoned me. See Kaitlyn I spent the last year of my life letting men hurt me. Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, John Cena, they used me, they took advantage of me and they shattered me like glass. And where was my best friend? Chasing the divas title. But even shattered glass, if you handle it wrong can cut you pretty deep.
Kailtyn: You are crazy, you are crazy.
AJ Lee: No, no Kaitlyn I'm smart. See maybe you can beat me in here, but I can beat you up here. I used to put you on a pedestal, and now I get to shove you off and laugh as you fall all the way down. Hahaha. You're so sad. Weak. Pitiful. Face it Kaitlyn you're just trash.
Kaitlyn: *starts to cry
AJ Lee; You have no one, You have no love. no friends, none of these people give a damn about you. The only thing you have that is worth anything, is that divas title and come Sunday, you won't even have that. You're not going to like how this story ends, you are going to lose. And I am going to get everything I ever wanted. And you, you're just going to run back to whatever trailer park you crawled out of in the first place. Remote in one hand, junk food in the other giant man arm. Eating your emotions, like the worthless, pathetic, useless unlovable cow.
but anyways yes, Kaitlyn went on to face AJ at Payback and dropped the divas title to AJ. It goes down as one of the best, if not the best Divas Championship match I have ever seen. Kaitlyn and AJ had such great chemistry. All of their matches were good, like I always say relatives and real life best friends always have the best chemistry. AJ and Kaitlyn would go on to feud over the summer. I did not expect Kaitlyn to drop the title at Payback, I thought AJ would have her big moment at Summerslam. That would have been better honestly. But it is what it is. Kaitlyn never regained the title after this.
Slowly Fading Away: Kaitlyn after August, left WWE because of thyroid issues. She came back in October and wasn't really in a storyline, because at this time the Total Divas stars kind of took center stage. Kaitlyn was featured in the 7 on 7 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination tag match. She was put on the heel team for no reason. All the Total Divas stars were babyface, but so was Kaitlyn. So they just stuck her on the team because she isn't a part of the show basically. It was the worst worked match of 2013 by PWI. There was talent in this match, it was just not executed correctly. Kaitlyn would then go on to have random Superstars/Main Event matches. And then she made her decision.....
Kaitlyn Leaves WWE: Kaitlyn on January 8, 2014 decided to no longer be under contract with WWE. I remember I was at school on this day, you know just enjoying the day. And then one of my followers tweets something along the lines of "I wish Kaitlyn the best of luck". I immediately @ him and asked him what's up. He said check wwe.com and I saw it. I was so sad, after I saw that I did not talk to anyone all day. I was just so upset. I couldn't comprehend it. I was so sad, I couldn't believe it. Then I found out that she was going to have her last match that night on Main Event against AJ. It couldn't have been a better send off match. I watched the match and it wasn't their best match, but still good. Kailtyn lost, as I expected, because AJ was champion. After the match AJ had a "bipolar moment", she jumped and hugged Kaitlyn. All the fans knew she was breaking character and that she whispered something that no one knows. After, Kaitlyn turned around and got superkicked by Tamina. I don't think she should've been sent off like that. I wanted her to have her last match on Smackdown and have it against AJ. Same result, but after AJ gets on the mic and breaks character and gives her thoughts on her leaving. Then have Kaitlyn get on the mic and say thank you. Then I wanted them to do their "handshake" one last time and leave together.
As for now we know that Kaitlyn has her own line of women's fitness apparel called Celestial Bodiez. And it seems to be running pretty well. She did do a shoot interview, which I have on DVD and it is so good. She said she considers herself retired from WWE. However, I say that she could come back one day and I would love it. Her career was only 3 1/2 years, too short. She can always come back because Triple H said the door is always open. I wish Kailtyn the best and I miss her a lot. I have those days sometimes where I miss her a lot and I go back and watch some matches of hers. Kaitlyn to me is one of the most underrated divas in history, not the most, but definitely has a spot as one. She had so much potential, however, it was her decision to leave. I LOVE YOU KAITLYN AND I WOULD LOVE ONE LAST RUN. Thank You!!
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