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Me: How long have you been watching WWE?
Nate: I have been watching WWE since I was kid, kind of since birth. I know that is cheesy. So about 18 years.
Me: Who were your favorites growing up?
Nate: Rock, Stone Cold, The Hardyz, Edge and Christian, The Dudleys, Undertaker. I also liked the underrated talent like Brian Pillman, Al Snow, and Hardcore Holly. And of course I liked Y2J and Kurt Angle. I loved the majority of the divas except Sable, Shaniqua, Kristal, The Kat, Mae Young, Fabulous Moolah, and Luna.
Me: Which diva(s) did you find underrated in the golden era and why?
Nate: Molly Holly and Ivory. Basically, because they were the better wrestlers during the time. But I guess WWE didn't see the "it factor" in them like Trish or Lita. And WWE didn't give them a chance to shine. And I think if WWE put that faith in them they could've been the top divas of that era.
Me: What do you miss most about the Attitude Era/Golden Era for the Divas?
Nate: What I miss about that time period is the storylines and booking. Vince had so much faith in them back then. He has the talent now, but he doesn't have faith in them. The creativity was also a lot better with the divas back then.
Me: Who are some of your favorite superstars today?
Nate: Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Tyson Kidd, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Finn Balor, Tyler Breeze, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Dean Ambrose, The Vaudvillians, Blake and Murphy, Enzo and Cass, Hideo Itami, Marcus Louis, Brock Lesnar, Bray Wyatt, King Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Neville, Bo Dallas, Zack Ryder and Kalisto.
Me: Who are some of your favorite divas today?
Nate: AJ Lee, Paige, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Emma, Natalya, Charlotte, The Bella's, Layla, Naomi, Carmella, and Alexa Bliss.
Me: So I know your a big fan of the Indy Scene, what makes you interested in that?
Nate: The match quality, they don't hold back. The matches are beyond perfection. The way they wrestle is so aggressive and hardcore. They pull out moves I have never seen on WWE or TNA TV.
Now Nate is going to discuss some controversial topics relating to Twitter.
Me: What are your thoughts on the IWC in general?
Nate: Its bitter sweet because the IWC is good at times when we can all talk about wrestling. We can sit there and talk about something were passionate about. At other times it can be a huge argument. People are always fighting and that's what annoys me about the IWC.
Me: What are your thoughts on the recent Twitter drama between fans?
Nate: Honestly, its annoying me. I see at times where people are coming from. But if you are arguing everyday, that's ridiculous. We are all adults here, and we don't need to be arguing because we can all have civilized conversations.
Me: Do you think WWE fans can ever go back to being civilized?
Nate: Honestly, I doubt it. Especially with how these "diva only" fans are acting I don't see it changing. Its sad to be honest. And I think it is going to get worse in my honest opinion, but I hope I am wrong.
Me: Do you like being on Twitter as a WWE fan?
Nate: Sometimes. Because I have met cool people, like yourself, on Twitter. And we all have good conversations. Other times I don't like it but you know the story so I shouldn't have to go into it.
Now Nate is going to talk about the Main Roster Divas Division and its pros and cons...
Me: What do you think of Nikki Bella's title reign?
Nate: Honestly, the thing is, excluding her matches, her booking hasn't been the best. Brie constantly helping her. I understood her doing it as a heel, but now we don't know whether she is face or heel. I just think she needs to be booked better.
Me: Do you think she should break AJ's reign, if not then who?
Nate: As an a fan of AJ, I don't want her to break it and that's me being bias. But me putting my feelings aside, I can't swallow the fact that she could do it. That is nothing against Nikki, I just don't want to see her accomplish AJ's accomplishment. And I am not even being bias.
Me: What are your thoughts on Give Divas A Chance?
Nate: I love Give Divas A Chance. I was happy when the trend trended for a week. I think the main roster divas should be given the chance to show that they are the best in the world at what they do. I am still upset that Vince didn't give his Divas a chance. And he has the talent, he just doesn't utilize it. The Divas I think deserve a chance are Alicia Fox and Summer Rae. Alicia has the most athleticism and has the total package. If she was given the chance she could be the top diva. Summer is decent in the ring and her character overshadows the fact that her in ring work is decent.
Me: What is everyone's frustration with the Main Roster Divas Division?
Nate: It is the fact that the divas don't have stamped characters. You don't know who is a heel or face. The booking is beyond stupid. The division isn't cared for at all.
Me: What do you think needs to happen in order for our Divas Division to be saved?
1. Vince needs to RETIRE
2. Better Creative Team
3. Triple H to have more input in the Divas Division like he does in NXT
4. Stop Watering down the Move-Sets
5. Give them longer matches
Me: Thoughts on Paige?
Nate: I LOVE PAIGE. You know that. Her look alone is what made me intrigued into her. She is a phenomenal wrestler. She is an incredible performer. Her character is just relatable. And even though, she is getting pushed a little too quickly, I can't wait for her to become a 3X Divas Champion.
Me: Thoughts on AJ Lee?
Nate: MY FAVORITE DIVA OF THE PG ERA. Besides Mickie James, AJ is my favorite diva of all time. What made me so intrigued by AJ was when I saw her on NXT and she was so cute. Her geek goddess character was so awesome, she was like every guys dream girl. And when she turned crazy, I loved her even more. Because not only am I fan of the crazy gimmick on any wrestler, AJ proved that she is such a great actor. And she was able to have more mic time, and proved she is amazing on the mic. Even though I am upset that she is gone, I am happy I was able to witness her entire career. I love you AJ!!
Me: Thoughts on The Bella Twins:
Nate: People think I hate the Bella's, but I actually love them a lot to be honest with you. I loved them since their debut. I was actually heart broken when they left in 2012. And I actually screamed at the top of my lungs when they returned in 2013. They're improvement over the past few years has been the best improvement I have seen in a long time with in-ring and as characters. I am also a big fan of how they are their own characters and they have gotten rid of that twin thing. Also love how their in ring styles are completely different from each other. And even though I love Nikki, Brie is my favorite Bella Twin.
Me: Thoughts on Naomi?
Nate: I love Naomi and I have ever since NXT. And I have always thought she was divas champion material. And it pissed me off how every time she seems to getting a push, WWE always screws her over. I hope one day Naomi finally gets at least one title reign because I personally believe that she should've been champion by now.
Me: Thoughts on Emma?
Nate: CRIMINALLY AND I MEAN CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED. WWE has been screwing Emma over since coming to the main roster. Ever since that Walmart scandal they have been burying her to oblivion. I am happy that she is getting a chance to shine in NXT. Me personally, I wouldn't care if Emma stayed down in NXT until...
Me: Thoughts on NXT Women's Division?
Nate: They are amazing. All of them. They get time in the ring and they steal the show at every Takeover. They even steal the show on a regular basis. And that is why I get scared every time one of them comes up to the main roster. I will sound like a broken record if I go on and on about how their booking is better and how they are treated better than the main roster.
Me: Thoughts on Finn Balor?
Nate: Finn Balor is beyond amazing. I have liked him since he was Prince Devitt in the Independent Circuit. Outside of WWE he is so creative and artistic is what fascinates me the most. His in-ring style is very cool and his body paint is amazing. I believe that he will be a Top Star on the main roster.
Me: Thoughts on Kevin Owens:
Nate: I have been a fan of Owens for a long time. For a guy his size, he is so athletic. And I believe that he is among the Top 3 best talkers in WWE right now. Everything about this guy screams a star. And for a guy who loved Owens since his indy days, I am so happy that he has finally gotten his chance in WWE. He has worked hard and deserves it.
Me: Thoughts on Roman Reigns?
Nate: At first I did not like him at all. But after FastLane, he has proven that he is actually a great in ring performer. And past FastLane, every PPV match that he has had he has delivered. And now I feel that he is the most underappreciated WWE performer today.
Me: Thoughts on Neville?
Nate: Neville's athleticism is what made me become a fan of his. He has captivating in the ring and he is so fun to watch. He is almost breathe taking because he is very powerful for a guy his size. Some people may think that he is all high flying, but he has proven that he is well rounded performer in the ring. In the near future, I could see him as a mid card champion. And I hope I am right about that.
Me: Thoughts on Dean Ambrose?
Nate: Ambrose is such a cool guy because he is a Anti-Hero. He reminds me so much of Brian Pillman and that's what makes me like him more. People say he is not that great in the ring, but like many others he is watered down. He is a great wrestler. He has such a good character and he puts so much time and effort into it. He puts a lot of theatrics when it comes to him pulling off a move. And that's what makes his character so awesome in my opinion.
Me: Thoughts on Seth Rollins?
Nate: Another guy I have been a fan of since his indy days. He was so talented as Tyler Black in Ring of Honor. And when he get called to WWE, I was very proud of him. And to be honest with you, I knew he had the star quality to be to the Top Dog in WWE. However, I didn't expect it to be this soon. He's one of the better in-ring performers that they have on the main roster right now. He is playing his heel character to perfection. I am happy that he is WWE World Champion, I just wish he was booked better. And that's the same thing that annoys me about his reign, as well as Nikki's, is that they can't win clean. But all in all he is one of my favorites in WWE today and I wish him more success in the years to come.
Me: Thoughts on Dolph Ziggler?
Nate: At first Dolph Ziggler, he didn't impress me. His gimmick at first was awkward because of the "Hi I'm Dolph Ziggler", but the following year I started getting impressed. The SmackDown roster during that time was really good and he was killing it in the ring. The match that made me become a fan of his him vs Rey Mysterio at Summerslam 2009. And years after that he has proven to be one of the most underrated performers and I hope that he becomes world champion again one day.
So that's it for this interview with Nate. He had a lot of good things to say, and kept it real the entire time. I appreciate Nate taking time out of his day to have this sit down interview. Thank You!
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