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@OnTheRamPaige says "Booking"
@LT_Mizzou19 says "Investment in character development of the divas"
@calfkvller says "Most importantly the booking. The NXT Divas are booked like they're actually cared about. You can tell Triple H cares for his female talent. The creativity when it comes to storylines and the characters are superb."
@UnstableAJLee says "NXT Divas get more time and a bigger pop from the fans."
So that is what I am going to cover today. I am going to kind take some shots at Vince for the way he books main roster, but I will be fair in the comparison. I am not going to downplay the main roster, I am going to be realistic. I am going to cover 3 points, booking, character development, and fan reaction. So let's get started...
Booking: This is probably the biggest one out of them all. The booking down in NXT is 10/10. The girls down their have amazing booking. Ever since Paige vs Emma at NXT ArRival last year, the NXT Divas have been given free reign. Triple H runs NXT, and he takes pride in the women. He let's them have say in what they want. And he actually gives the fans what they want. The booking we have had for the women's matches on the Takeover live specials is awesome. The feuds we have had have been authentic and time worthy. That is one thing that NXT has, that WWE lacks and that is limited PPV's. NXT has 4 PPV's a year. They are usually in February, May, September, and December. I actually like this. It gives them time to build up the feuds. I remember after Charlotte won the title in May last year she then went on to feud with Bayley. This was a good, personal feud because they had history and built up the story in the amount of 4 months. Main Roster builds up stories in 1 month leading to the next ppv. Actually, lately, they have been having PPV's every 2 weeks because of the crammed ppv choice. Each episode of NXT hands out storyline progression into proceeding the feud. Another big thing with booking is the match finishes. With the women, there is rarely any cheating or screwy finishes. Even if they are a heel, they book them to win clean. At the PPV specials, I know that they never let them cheat, no matter if they are a babyface or heel. Main Roster booking lacks direction and focus. Vince doesn't know what he is doing with the main roster divas. He has been booking Divas Champion Nikki poorly. Recently, she has been booked better, but the reign as a whole has been lacking champion-like booking. Vince apparently thinks that letting her cheat is the way a champion should be booked. And this isn't the first occurrence. AJ Lee in her first reign was booked poorly as well. When she won the title she defended clean the first title defense, but then after that she cheated in every title match. And she skipped ppv title defenses, as did Nikki. I don't see why Vince thinks that it is ok to give a girl a long reign, to only have her be booked like the challenger, rather than the champion. NXT gives the divas time to showcase their talent. Triple H doesn't have them hold back anything when having the Takeover matches. I can confidently say that the women have stolen the show a few times at the Takeover live specials. I have never seen such authentic wrestling before in my life. It is just so amazing to see these women go out there and outshine the men at times. We just got off a Takeover special and it was Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch for the NXT Women's Championship AND THEY KILLED IT. They stole the show hands down. WWE Fans look more forward to NXT Takeover live specials than WWE PPV's because they know it is going to be a good show. I don't even have to second guess myself when there is a divas match on NXT, because I know it is going to be good. Vince needs to learn that he has amazing talent on the main roster, and he needs to utilize it. He also needs to realized that within the next 5 years, the main roster divas division will be NXT grown Divas. And I really don't want them to suffer the current main roster booking. I love main roster divas, I always will, but I always sit there and question their intentions. Below are every single takeover match for the divas, and each one was just amazing, such pure wrestling...
Character Development: I, at times, give WWE a break when it comes to booking. However, NXT has WWE beat when it comes to character development. These divas down there have such good characters. Let me run through them real quick. Charlotte, she is genetically superior, because she is Ric Flair's daughter. Sasha Banks, arguably the best character in the division and out of any diva right now period. Her charater is the BOSS of NXT, she uses a stamp to sign things and is very quick with her words. Becky Lynch, I like to call her the Irish Rockstar. Bayley, is that girly nerd girl on the outside, but a fighter once she steps in the ring. Alexa Bliss (my favorite), recently turned heel and is this high maintence blonde Barbie doll is what I have gathered so far. Carmella, the Staten IslandPrincess who is all about her "fame". Dana Brooke, the "total diva" who is obsessed with her physique and adds sex appeal to it. These characters are so down packed it is not even funny. They invest so much time in these characters. Sasha Banks said in a interview one time that "The character you have on tv is just an extension of yourself". I truly believe that. All these divas have characters that I truly believe are like who they are in real life with exaggeration. Main Roster divas needs to have more character development. Anytime a diva gets close to forming a complete new character it gets shot down. Alicia Fox had an amazing character brewing in her feud with Paige last year. She was like an uncomfortable crazy girl, who always threw a major fit when losing. This character was really good and fans enjoyed it. It got dropped within maybe 2 months of its start. She does the "craziness" here and there, but its random at this point. Naomi, recently turned heel, has a new character who is basically a "ghetto bad ass". No one take offense to that, that is just what I have been getting from her, and I actually like it. She has just been pushed and now is back at the bottom since Paige has taken center stage, yet again. Paige is the biggest issue. She is a true heel. Her NXT days were golden. She played the Anti-Diva and just dominated. She has that gimmick on the main roster but not really. She is quoted more as the "Diva of Tomorrow", and it is just sad. When she turned heel last summer on AJ Lee. I was so happy because I knew she was unhappy being a face. This totally flopped, she just became a mockery of AJ. She skipped and acted like that "oblivious heel". It was just not good. Vince needs to let these divas have input in what character they want, not the one he wants. Let them go out there and be who they want to be.
Fan Reaction: I am going to keep this one short and sweet. The crowd at Full Sail is amazing. They get so involved into the matches, especially the diva matches. The fans actually play into their characters as well. During the matches for the divas we have gotten:
"this is awesome"
"better than divas"(shade at main roster)
"better than Hogan"(when becky does her leg drop)
"better than Roman"(when charlotte does the spear)
"like a BOSS"(when Sasha does something unique in the ring or uses her stamp lol)

The fans think of the divas down there as must see, to where as main roster crowds think of divas as the "food time" or "piss break". It is so sad. But I don't blame them. Main roster crowds aren't invested because Vince rarely gives them something to get invested into. Main Roster TV is good and at times the divas are good. But crowds are just dumb and don't care for the women. It is sad that they cant take pride in everyone. It is what it is. But I bet if Vince would give the main roster crowds something to get invested into, they would slowly lighten up to the divas during promos and matches.
Well that is it for today. I just think Vince needs to retire honestly. When Triple H takes over, that's when we will have the WWE that we all loved and enjoyed. The WWE that got us interested in the first place. The WWE that we want. Vince has done well, but you know how people say "you grow wiser with age", well Vince doesn't. He doesn't get wiser, I think he gets worse with age. We nee Triple H because he is so fresh with creativity. That wraps up this blog, Thank You!
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