Okay so I did a blog a while back about The Reinvention of Eva Marie. It was my second blog and now I am doing number 25, so a lot has changed with Eva ever since. In that blog I basically told everyone about her journey so far in WWE and her training to become a wrestler. Now I am here to discuss the more recent stuff with her and why people should give her a chance. I will give you guys 3 reasons why you need to give Eva a chance. So let's get started...
She Is Trying To Redeem Herself:
Okay so like I said she has been training to become a wrestler for the past 3 months. She has been recently at the Performance Center for the past 3 weeks and has been working with the girls down there. She is trying to gain her credibility back with the girls in the back and the WWE Universe. You can't deny her drive, determination, and passion for WWE. She wouldn't out and get Brian Kendrick to train her and then reach out to NXT to try to be down there. She is taking the initiative. And see that is where the problem lies. Back in 2014 all of you fans were like "Can she just please go train and start over in NXT" or "Can she go to the performance center and train". Now that she is actually doing these things, people are being hypocritical with her. If she is giving you what you asked for, then what is the issue? A lot of people aren't having faith in her because it is just "15 second instagram videos", well in those videos she is pulling out moves that I haven't seen some of your favorites do. She is finally taking the wrestling seriously and people need to start taking her seriously. Yes, she hasn't worked any matches yet on TV since her recent training. Yes, it has been a guy spotting her moves. All of that under consideration, you can't deny her working ethic and determination.

She Is Working With NXT:
Okay everyone knows that NXT is the best wrestling product in today's age. The NXT women have been killing it and they truly are revolutionizing women's wrestling. All the girls down there have been putting on classic women's matches that will go down as some of the best. Eva Marie has been training with the NXT girls for the past 3 weeks. Yes, that is a short amount of time, but it is something rather than nothing. You can't deny that she is in good hands working with the NXT girls, and her wrestling will be even better. If people truly want to better themselves, then you honestly go down to NXT. Eva Marie picked herself up and made her wrestling her #1 priority in WWE. She has done the "entertainment" part and now she is ready to do with "wrestling" part. Charlotte is among the girls that has taken Eva under her ring in training at the Performance Center. Now I know a lot of people have their opinions on Charlotte, but she has said that she wants everyone to succeed. And knowing Charlotte's talent, she will definitely shed some advice on Eva Marie.

She Has Promise:
Everyone knows that Eva Marie has a pretty face and has a rocking body. She always lacked one thing, wrestling. That was the one thing missing from being the total package. I firmly believe that Eva Marie has promise. I don't care if people think that's crazy or if doesn't make sense, I believe it. It is my opinion, that seems to be something nowadays that people can't differentiate. I know that when Eva does come back she won't be a "Natalya", but she will be miles ahead from where she was. If she has got the look, wrestling, and mic skills then she is the total package. Now she never had mic time when being in WWE, so I am glad she is in NXT working on that as well. They need to let Eva build herself up. Yes, she is going to get heat from fans, but she should capitalize on it. The heat she gets, some heels wish they got that type of heel heat. She absolutely needs to come in as a heel, however, I could see them making her a babyface possibly. If she has all the tools, then she could be a big name in the division.

Eva Marie has her critics. She has her haters. She has her fans. She has a lot of catching up to do. All of that is true. However, when it comes to Eva, I always look at the positive in her. I always find the good in her. I have been a fan of her since Day 1 when she accompanied Natalya to a match with Naomi on WWE Superstars. I thought she was hot and that she had potential. I hope when she comes back, she shocks everyone. I want her to put her critics to shame. I want her to gain back credibility with fans and WWE. I wish Eva Marie the best of luck. And apparently, she is working the NXT tapings tonight. If that is the case, then I hope she has a couple of matches to get the feel of being in NXT. I don't think she will be in NXT long, I think she is down there for just a bit. I love you Eva and I hope you reach all your successes in WWE! And maybe one of those successes could be a Divas Championship...

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