Okay so today I am here to discuss Money in the Bank 2015. I am going to give my reactions to every match and the outcome. I will also talk a bit about where I see the storylines going. So let's kick it off with the Money in the Bank Ladder Match...
Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Okay so this match was alright. It wasn't the best MITB Ladder match we have ever seen, there has been much better. So my pick to win this match was Roman Reigns. The match had some cool spots, such as, ZigZag off the top ladder, Roman flying over the top rope, Kofi getting Powerbombed on a ladder, and etc. Roman was about to close in and all the sudden Bray Wyatt's music hit and he showed up. The lights cut out and then came back on, as he proceeded to push Reigns off the ladder. He then laid out Reigns with a Sister Abigail. I was SHOCKED. Of course, Bray is my favorite superstar on the main roster and I just did a blog about him needing a big storyline. So I guess I got my prayers answered. Sheamus ended up winning the match and I didn't expect that at all, I don't think anyone did. I was so mad. Like Sheamus? I don't like Sheamus and his heel character has fallen flat for me. He doesn't scream MITB Winner. I cant believe that I am going to have to see him as World Champion. I want him to cash in unsuccessfully to be honest, I feel like Roman or Dolph deserved it. But I see Sheamus feuding with some faces for a while until he cashes in.
Divas Championship Match: Boy, I have a lot to say about this. Current Divas Champion, Nikki Bella, defends the title against Paige. This was the 7th title match for Paige. I was already annoyed at the fact that Paige got yet another title shot for no reason. So we get to the match, and wow! This match was amazing. The divas got 11 minutes to kick ass. They pulled off an amazing match, and it was hands down the best main roster divas match this year. This proves that TIME DOES COUNT TO PULL OFF GOOD MATCHES. You cant tell a story in 5 minutes, NXT girls cant either and that's fact. It came down to both divas knocking each other off the top rope and falling to the floor. It was the heel tactics of "Twin Magic" that got the win, well sort of. Brie switched places with Nikki and went into the ring. She rolled up Paige, then Paige reversed and got the 1 2 3. I was shocked and I couldn't believe it. But I know my Bella's all to well. Brie then exposed herself saying that she isn't Nikki and started taking toilet paper out of her chest (trying to have the same chest as Nikki). Paige got mad and superkicked Brie out of the ring, and the referee resumed the match. Paige turned around into a vicious elbow from Nikki and then she hit the Rack Attack, 1 2 3. Nikki Bella is still divas champion. I was so happy for Nikki. She is getting one step closer to #RoadTo300Days. But, of course, nothing is ever that simple with fans. A lot of Paige fans were upset about the finish. I think it should've been a DQ win for Paige, but it wasn't and I think fans need to get over it. When Nikki does cheat, she usually has Brie distract or do something so Nikki can win. We have never seen this type of element of cheating before. Paige fans are honestly not upset about the finish, they're upset that Paige lost. This match was fantastic and all people are worried about is the finish. Nikki Bella is a heel and she is living up to that. Name one divas champion who was a heel champion that never cheated. Exactly, you wont be able to come up with one. The only one that never cheated was Beth Phoenix, but that's it. I don't want Paige in the title picture anymore because WWE creative is having her take away chances from other divas. I would love Nikki to feud with Emma, Charlotte, Natalya, or even a babyface Summer Rae.
Intercontinental Championship Match: Okay let me just say that this was the most irrelevant storyline and match at MITB. I can't even remember the match that much. It was current champion Ryback defending against Big Show. I just remember it ending in DQ. Miz got involved and caused the DQ. So Ryback retained. So that was it. It was under 5 minutes. Since Miz got involved, I see a Triple Threat at Battleground between Ryback, Big Show, and The Miz.
Kevin Owens vs John Cena: I could go on for days about this match, but I am going to keep it short and sweet. This match was a Match of the Year candidate. It was better than their Elimination Chamber match. They pulled out all the stops in that match. It was very back and forth. It told an amazing story. It was Match of the Night, hands down. Cena pulled a lot of new moves out in this match as well. There was a lot of close calls as well. This match was just awesome, one of the best I have ever seen. John Cena won the match and this is not the end of their feud. After the match, Cena offered a handshake to Owens. Owens accepted, but then Owens kicked him in the stomach. Cena should've known lol. He did the Pop-Up Powerbomb to Cena on the apron. The same move he did to Sami Zayn to injure him. I see them having a 3rd match, but I don't know if they'll have it at Battleground or save it for Summerslam. I see Kevin Owens dropping his NXT title at the Japan Live Event on July 4th to Finn Balor. After that, Owens will move up to the main roster full time. And I think Owens will eventually capture the U.S. Championship, hopefully at Summerslam.
Tag Team Championship Match: Okay I didn't care for this match. It was New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) defending the titles against the Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O'Neil). I expected New Day to win, but then out of nowhere PTP got the win. BOOM. New Tag Champs. I didn't expect this at all. The match wasn't that long. I am glad that PTP captured gold because they have been on the backseat for a while in singles and tag careers. I see them giving New Day a rematch at Battleground. After that I see New Day breaking up, all 3 guys going their separate ways. And I am kind of glad too. Kofi Kingston was a huge stand out in the mid card and worked well as a face. So I know he is safe. I don't know about Big E and Xavier Woods because they are talented, but WWE is bound to make them jobbers again. I can see it. But who knows
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Okay this match was an A++. Seth Rollins defended against Dean Ambrose. Both of these guys were very ruthless and aggressive from bell to bell. They were pulling out crazy spots, but I shouldn't be surprised with these 2 guys. Seth had no help out there and was all by himself. This was the opportunity for him to prove to himself. He, towards the last 10 minutes of the match, dominated Dean Ambrose. He proved everyone that he is world championship material. He powerbombed Dean 2 times against the barricade and once on the ladder with chairs on it. He then threw chairs on a knocked out Ambrose. As Seth was going to capture the title, Dean found his way out and went after him. It came down to both men pulling down the belt, but Seth had possession when they hit the mat. So Seth retained. I was okay with Seth winning because he needed this win to be honest. This was his first clean win as world champion and last night was when I finally started taking him seriously as our WWE World Champion. I know for a fact that this feud isn't over. These 2 are definitely not done with each other. I see a rematch soon, however, Brock Lesnar is rumored to be returning on Raw and taking on Seth at Battleground possibly. So maybe Dean will finally get his world championship win at Summerslam
Okay so that is it for my reaction to the MITB matches. Oh and side note, Columbus's crowd was amazing. They were into EVERY single match. They were even involved in the Divas match, they gave a lot of reaction. They were a very energetic crowd, and you can tell they are a NXT crowd. They were chanting "NXT" anytime a NXT star did a move in a match at MITB. So Raw is tonight and I am excited. Hopefully we can new and exciting things for the Divas and the WWE in general. Thank You!
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