I know I haven't posted a blog in a while. These past 2 days have been hectic. But, anyways, I am here to do a "IMO" post on Roman Reigns. Now I am a fan of Roman. I think he has the potential to be a future face of the company, if not already on his way there. Lets run down some history...
Roman Reigns started in FCW as Roman Leakee. He debuted on September 9, 2010 defeating Richie Steamboat. Leakee had future success in capturing the FCW Tag Team Championship with Mike Dalton. After FCW rebranded to NXT, he then got the new ring name of Roman Reigns. He had his first match with the newly branded NXT defeating CJ Parker.
Not even a month later he was then called up to the main roster and debuted at Survivor Series 2012 along with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, famously known as The Shield. The Shield came into WWE as heels and dominated the WWE. Using their signature "triple powerbomb" to take out members of the roster. It was only 5 months later that The Shield captured gold, as Seth and Roman captured the Tag Titles and Dean captured the U.S. Title. As their dominance continued they soon would lose those titles to The Brotherhood (Tag Titles) and Sheamus (U.S. Title). As 2014 rolled around The Shield soon transitioned into babyfaces after battling the team of Kane and The New Age Outlaws at Wresltemania 30. After this The Shield then went on to feud with Evolution in a series of 6 man tag matches that will go down as some of the best 6 man tag matches I have ever seen, not that we see many on a PPV scale. After The Shield proved their dominance over Evolution, that all came to an abrupt end on the June 2nd edition of Raw. After Batista quit, for the second time, Triple H said to The Shield (in a promo later on in the night) that there is always a "Plan B". Then, the moment that shocked the world, Seth Rollins turned heel by attacking his brothers with a steel chair. This would then align Seth with The Authority.

Roman then went on, as a babyface, to compete in main event feuds for the rest of 2014. He did suffer a injury in September and returned the December 8th edition of Raw. He then went on to win the 2015 Royal Rumble, which many fans didn't like. However, I did. I feel like he deserved it. He then went on to unsuccessfully challenge Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship due to a "cash in" from Seth Rollins. And the rest is history...

Now that I have given a quick run down of Roman's career, it is time for me to give my opinions on it. When he came in with The Shield I was so happy. All 3 of those guys deserved a moment like that to interfere in the world title match and have a screwy finish. After The Shield broke up I was even more happy because I wanted all of them to be singles stars after they dropped the titles in 2013-2014. I see potential in Roman. He definitely has his critics out there, but I honestly don't see why. To me he has the full package to be the next face of the company. He may not be a technical wrestler or "Heyman-ish" on the mic, but he is improving and he is a legit threat in the business. John Cena is the face of the company right now and is he technically sound? Is he that good on the mic? Yeah no. Roman can obviously wrestle or he wouldn't be in WWE. He just has more of a offensive type of moveset. He uses more strikes and grapple attacks than using grappling technique. And there is nothing wrong with that. I do agree that he is not the best on the mic. He at times feels like he should say something when he really should not. I honestly thinks it's because Vince scripts the promos. If he told Roman to go unscripted, I am sure Roman would do great. Many superstars and divas could probably do great not following a script.
In conclusion, I BELIEVE that Roman Reigns is a vital asset to the WWE. He has his fans and he has his critics. And slowly, but surely, he is gaining back his fanbase. After the Rumble win we all know he went from "over" to booed out the buildings. And it is so weird because I went to the Raw before the Rumble and he was "over" big time. And then 6 days later, completely booed out the building. I think that was mostly because the fans were all complaining because Daniel Bryan didn't win. And we all know why now that would not have been the best decision. I see Roman being one of the future pioneers of the WWE along with his Shield companions. I BELIEVE that Roman is a great competitor and I will always look forward to his matches. And hopefully I can look forward to that WrestleMania 32 Triple Threat match with Roman, Dean, and Seth for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship because I will be attending my first mania. As we all know it is in my hometown of Dallas, TX. But I am sure that I will see Roman wrestle and possibly walk out world champion, hopefully. Thank You!
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